When finished, check your form BEFORE you ask others to fill it out.
1.  Are your questions numbered?
2.  Check the tab order
3.  Check for labels
4.   Check the form confirmation:  no T1, B1, S1, etc.
5.  Create a results file and format the results.
6.  You MUST fill the form out over and over again to make sure the form works correctly.
7.  Check your results file.  Make sure you have something in the file. 
8.  Do you have a background?
9.  Is it linked from the assignment page?
10.  If all of the above works, you may proceed.  If the above does not work, fix the form before going on.


Make sure the form works correctly before going on.
11.  Clear out your results file so that it is completely empty.  Save the file and close it.
12.  You - Fill out the form with your complete and accurate information. 
13.  When you get up the form confirmation, minimize it.  You will show this to your teacher later.  The form confirmation is needed for part of the grade.
13.  Ask someone else to fill out the form.   
14.  Open the results file.  Make sure there are the only two entries in the results file.
15.  Show your teacher the form confirmation and the results file for part of your grade.