Dynamic Drive Assignments
Before beginning:
-make a new folder called "dynamicdrivescript"
-make a new page called "scriptmenu.htm"

Other directions:  Each page will include
-a heading
-background - pick something to go along with the script
-title in the title bar

1.  Create a new default page layout.  Go to "Menus and Navigation" and select "Slide in menu bar 1-mouse controlled.  Customize the menu. 

2.  Add colored scroll bars to your Script Menu page.  This script is found in the "other" category.  The script is called "Scrollbar Colors Customization."  Change the color of the scroll bars.  Cannot leave them green.

3.  On the default page add a countdown script.  Countdown the number of days until school is out.   Go to the "Date and Time category - Dynamic Countdown Script."

4.  Find the Games category on DD web site.  Select a game.  Do not select earthquake, lottery, or DHTML Puzzle.  Make a new folder in your script folder and put the game on a new page.  Format as you wish.  Provide a link to this page from your script menu page.

5.  Create a new page in your script folder called "falling".  From the "Documents Effects" category find the autumn leaves, snow, bubble, or rain/snow effect.  Get this script and picture to work.  Once it works, change the picture to something of your choice.  Change the background to go along with your falling pictures.   Provide a link to this page from your script menu page.

6.  Create a page in your script folder called "Eyes".  From the "Image Effects" category find the "Watching Eyes Script".  Add a title, background/picture. 

7.  Create a new page called "me" in the script folder.  Place a picture of you on the page.  There is one on the shared drive you can you.  From the Document effects category, apply any of the following scripts to the page:  left-right stripy curtain, top down stripy curtain, top-down curtain, left-right curtain, boxing-in or boxing away script.   Provide a link to this page from your script menu page.

8.  Create a new page called "message" in the script folder.  In the "Text Animation" category, select one of the following scripts:  Bouncy Message, 3D spinning, Neon lights text.  Apply this to the page.  Use your name as the text.   Provide a link to this page from your script menu page.

9.  Create a new page called "Time".  In the "Date & Time" category, select one script to show the current time.  Provide a link to this page from your script menu.

10.  Create a new page in your script folder called "picture".  From the "User/System Preference" category, find the script called "No Right Mouse Click script II (on images)".  Put a picture of you on the page with this script.  Change the message to read "No saving this picture!"

11.  Create two icons.  One for your default page and one for your script assignment page.

12.  Ugly Page - combine the following to create an ugly looking web page.  You can break all the rules.
*background - perhaps moving.
*text - "My Ugly Web Page"
*horizontal line - not a picture of something ugly (someone throwing up)
*animation/graphic/photo - not a picture of something ugly (someone throwing up)