
1.  Name Animation - we will do this together. 

2.  Web Design animation.  This will be done similar to your name animation.  Start in the paint program and create the letters in the font style and colors of your choice. Add to your letters dots, lines, squiggles, different colors, antennas, faces, etc.
         **You MUST have 9+ frames for this animation.
       **You do not have to erase one letter each time you save.  You can if you want to.
       **You MUST change colors 2+ times. 
       **You MUST add movement/rotation to letters 2+. 

       **Take the completed pictures into the animation program.  Make the animation transparent.  Add at least one effect to your animation.  Add two noticeable pauses to the animation.  One pause MUST be on the frame where the entire word "Web Design" appears.  The other pause can be where ever you want.  Place the completed animation at the top of your default page.  Remove any headings that you might already have at the top of your default page.

3.  Bouncing Ball.  Paper size is your choice.  The ball must bounce at least 5 times.  It must bounce at various heights.  You can create your own scene for the ball to bounce around in.  No guns, people dying, animals dying, violence, etc.  You must have at a minimum, 15 frames. Take the completed drawings into Animagic.  DO NOT MAKE IT TRANSPARENT.  You do not need to add any effects if you don't need or want to.  If you need pauses in you animation, make sure to add them.   When finished, place it on a new page in FrontPage.  Make sure to title your animation.  The front page page needs a background color.

4.  Horizontal Lines - We will do 1 horizontal line animation together.  When finished, you will create two additional horizontal line animations.  Horizontal lines are to be no higher in height than 1/2".  They need to be about 6" long.  Make the size of the paper width=700 height=50 pixels.  In Animagic, make them transparent.  When finished with all three, create a new page in the FrontPage.  Place all three horizontal lines on the same page.  You must name each horizontal line.  No guns, people dying, animals dying, violence, etc.

5. Back arrow - Create a back arrow (points to the left).  It doesn't have to say "Back" but if you want it to say "Back" you can.  Paper size no bigger than 100 X 100 pixels.  We will place this on your default page and it will link to the list of class names.  There is no set number of frames for this.  When you take it into Animagic, you must make it transparent.  Add effects, frame rates as you wish.

6.  Fish Animation - Create a scene involving a fish.  You need to consider the entire scene when creating this animation.  More than 2 objects should be moving.  You will need 12+ frames.  When finished with drawing, use the Animagic Program to create the animation.  Place the completed animation on a new page in the FrontPage program.  Link to this page from your default page.  Remember nothing can die and no blood.

7.  Digital Camera Animation - need 10+ pictures.  Take the pictures into the animation program.  Must have a pause at the end.  Any other pauses are optional.  Take the completed animation into FrontPage and place it on a new page.  Don't forget to name your animation.