Stop Motion Animation
Stop motion (also known as stop-action or frame-by-frame) is an animation technique to make a physically manipulated object appear to move on its own. The object is moved in small increments between individually photographed frames, creating the illusion of movement when the series of frames is played as a continuous sequence. Clay figures are often used in stop motion for their ease of repositioning. Stop motion animation using clay is described as clay animation or claymation.
21 Examples of Stop Motion Animation Fantastic Mr. Fox Sample
Project 1: Practice
Use some object to create a small stop motion animation. Examples of
objects to use: coin, pencil, paper clip, etc. Take approximately
TBD frames/pictures. Each student copies pictures to C Drive.
Use Video Studio to put your pictures together. Adding titles and sound effects
is optional. Length of movie TBD. The purpose of this project is to
get the idea of how to do stop motion animation. There may be some
failures along the way. Sometimes the best way to learn, is to fail and
learn from the mistakes. Something that you need to try: move object
in small increments and compared to large increments. What is the
difference between doing this? Come up with a list of do's and don'ts for
creating a stop motion animation. We will records these tips.
Project 2: Your Choice
This stop motion animation needs to tell a story. Select objects of your
choice to create animations.
Think carefully about what you will use and where you will do this at.
Daily starting and stopping can cause many problems and headaches. You
will take pictures together as a group but each student
is responsible for creating their own movie.
**NOTE: If you miss 2+ days of this assignment,
you will have to complete the assignment on your own.
-450+ pictures
-Title for animation at beginning
-Change the duration of the pictures. Some parts may need to be longer and
some may need to be shorter.
-The last picture should play for 5 seconds
-Length: varies. Please don't play your pictures longer to
create a longer movie. Play them at a speed that is appropriate.
-Music: fade it out
-Sound effects are optional
-Production Company
-At the end: 5-10 pictures of each person in your group performing their
own stop motion. These will be placed at the end of the video with titles to
identify who the group members are. The last picture for each person
should play for 4-5 seconds. These frames DO NOT count towards the
450+ picture requirement.
How to change the duration of your pictures:
1. Select ALL the pictures on the video track
2. Go to the "Edit" menu
3. Select "Change Photo/Color Duration"
4. Use the box to change the duration of the picture
Sound Effects
Media College
Sound Jay
Sound FX Now