Screen Recording
1. Submit your topic for the screen
recording which is to be a tip or trick about using Mac OS X.
2. Once your topic is approved, write a script. The script
must contain:
a. Your Name Example: Hi,
this is Johnny.
b. Explain what you will be showing
Example: I will be showing you how to change your desktop picture.
c. Proceed with the Steps AND explain
what you are doing.
d. Explain why someone would want to
do this.
e. Save to your multimedia folder -
miscellaneous folder.
Think about:
*You must use the correct terminology. For example, when referring to the
dock call it the dock not this bar thing down here.
*It may work better for you to explain why before you proceed with the steps
*When explaining why, you may need to show what your screen will look like
before you make the change.
*You may need to perform the steps or explain more than once.
*You may need to show what it looks like after doing the steps
*May need to set up a situation.
*Do you need to include pictures? gestures, keys
*May need to record more than once
*Follow the Script format
-your name
-explain what showing
-show steps
*Do the steps work, do the steps make sense